They denounce the threats against the members of Mesa de Víctimas de Cartagena and Antioquia


The intimidation would have come through pamphlets and threatening messages where they would be declared military targets for the activities that they would conduct in their respective regions.

The authorities have already been informed of these facts to verify the veracity of these threats. Courtesy

In the social networks a brochure circulates against the life of the members of the Table of Victims of Cartagena, capital of the department of Bolívar. In this threat, he says that Frete Efraín Vargas Gutiérrez, Colombian Gaitanista self-defense groups (AGC), declared seven people as a military target .

This is "Eduardo Hernandez, Mobemi Parras, Sonia, Dayan Rodriguez, Deyder Enrique Mates, Tomasita Vidal, Naret Diaz and Julia Alquerque". Similarly, in the pamphlet, the AGC stated that they knew where the aforementioned members of the Victims' Bureau, lived, as well as the routes they were supposed to follow . (You may be interested: PODCAST: Murder of Social Leaders: Bypbading?)

Alert in #Cartagena : A Gaitanist Self-Defense Force brochure threatens the lives of members of the District Victims Bureau city. Solidarity with them. Share, please. #NosEstanMantando

– Teresita Goyeneche (@Goyeneche_Te) July 7, 2018

Authorities have already been notified of these events to verify these threats, so how identify and find the supposedly responsible. Similarly, three members of the Departmental Office of the Victims of Antioquia were threatened by texting that would have reached their mobile devices . (Read also: ELN denies responsibility in the murders of social leaders)

"From that moment, you and your family declared that they were military targets, toads. We have already identified them if they continue to kiss so much that they will die.There are three identified ", the messages indicated. In his personal account on Facebook, the Departmental Office reported having already informed the authorities of this situation and requested the badistance of the National Protection Unit (UNP).

These threats are part of a new wave of violence against social leaders that alarmed the country in the last week, in which there were several badbadinations of regional leaders . Before this wave of violence, thousands of Colombians gathered last Friday in the Plaza de Bolívar and in different cities of the country and the world to light candles in memory of the murdered social leaders and reject the crimes. (We suggest threatening social leaders in full "Velatón")

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