They deny the freedom of widow of Surtifruver – Investigation – Justice


Considering that the defense resorted to delaying tactics and requested the release due to the expiration of the time limits, a judge of Bogota decided to keep in prison Bertha Cecilia Rueda Bossa, widow of the owner of the murdered Surtifruver . with the 27 court of safeguards control, it is not the fault of the administration of justice "if this party (the defense) is to delay the process and therefore act with the intention to delay . " Rueda, wife of the murdered businessman Jhony Alonso Orjuela Pardo, is imprisoned and charged with aggravated homicide and illegal possession of weapons.

Since November, she has been captured for alleged involvement in the Orjuela badbadination plan, which was attacked by gunmen on a street in Bogota in October 2016.
January 26 of this year , the hearing took place in which filed the indictment against him. The law sets a time limit of 120 days between this hearing and the start of the trial.

While Rueda's lawyers allege that this time limit has already been respected, the Office of the Prosecutor, the victims' representatives and the Attorney General's Office state that delay is the responsibility of the defense and that, after these maneuvers, Now only 60 days have pbaded.

According to the Office of the Prosecutor, although the indictment was filed on January 26, it was only on March 20 that the official reading of the document was possible . At that time, the defense filed an appeal that was resolved on June 26.

For the accuser, the time elapsed between March 20 and June 26 should not be taken into account in determining a possible lapse of time. According to a concept of the Supreme Court, the times in a process can not be counted uninterrupted, as the defense wanted.
The judge stated that "it is not a matter of establishing the number of days, but rather the reasonable causes that prevented the holding of the hearing".

In its concept, the normal duration of the process was interrupted "by an unsubstantiated ground of nullity filed by the defense."
"These guarantees exist, but not for one of the parties to abuse," he said.

For the moment, the widow of Orjuela Pardo must wait at Buen Pastor for the trial to begin for the murder of her ex-husband.

Mauricio Parra, another of those captured in the case, testified against Rueda, who allegedly sent to kill her husband after he tried to legally separate from her and normalize their relationship with an employee of Surtifruver.

According to the Attorney General's Office, after the death of Orjuela the widow alienated property without being legally permitted for it.


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