They detect a powerful and intriguing explosion in another galaxy


Although space seems to be still on the surface of the Earth, it is not, there are events and phenomena that disturb the calm, like the one that astronomers come from. 39; observe with the telescopes of the Keck Observatory. reported in The Astronomer's Telegram, a medium in which astronomical news is quickly broadcast, a huge explosion of an unknown type until now.

On June 22, they presented their badysis in the scientific journal New Scientist. They explained that they had seen a huge flash coming from a galaxy distant 200 million light-years away, a flash that was to be 10 to 100 times brighter than that produced during a lightning bolt. a supernova explosion

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Astronomers thought that the explosion had been in our galaxy, possibly originating from a variable cataclysmic star, two stars that orbit and interact between yes so as to irregularly increase the brightness of the system.

Spectroscopic observations showed that the flash came from the CGCG 137-068 galaxy, 200 million light-years away in the direction of the Hercules constellation.

"He appeared from nowhere," said astronomer Kate Maguire, of Queen's University in Belfast, Ireland, quoted by New Scientist

. It's a phenomenon that has reached its peak in just two days, while most supernovas take weeks.

"There are other objects that have been discovered that are fast, but this speed and brightness are not usual.There was no other object like this." [19659003] "I had seen nothing like it in the local universe," Stephen Smartt, also an astrophysicist at Queen's, told the Washington Post

. explosion, but the researchers said that it was composed of a cloud of high energy particles at 9,000 ° Celsius, growing at 20,000 kilometers per second. It is very bright in all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum and at the same time this spectrum is very uniform, unlike supernovae.

For now it is unclear what caused the explosion.

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