They find Mara, the dog by which a senior couple offered their retirement


Ana and Eduardo recorded a video, with the help of a neighbor, to request the return of their pet that had been kidnapped by a young man last Thursday.

A happy ending had the story of the elderly couple They offered their pension in return for being returned to Mara, a four-year-old Toy poodle who was kidnapped by a man by deception, to Mar de Plata, Argentina.

It all started on Thursday afternoon when a young bag salesman rang the bell of the elders. "The boy was about 15 or 16. I told him that I had no interest, but I still gave him some pesos. When I give him the money, he tells me if I can give him a glbad of water.When I entered the glbad of water and I went out, I had already stolen the dog, "he says. in the video recorded by the elders.

Ana, Eduardo's wife, also appears in the video denouncing what happened. He also offers his retirement to the person responsible for the flight, in exchange for the return of the dog.

"Please, I want my dog.I give them my retirement.Please, it's the only thing we have." We we are alone and she, nothing more, "said the lady in the video that several media have published in Argentina and viralized by social networks.

Finally, the police found the poodle that some grandparents were looking for and for which they offered their pension as a reward, in the neighborhood of the Constitución in the city of Mar del Plata . "It's an immense joy, thanks to the police here," said the old man in dialogue with Cadena 3 . According to local media reports, the animal is in good condition and is already home to its owners.

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