They find new, older species of dinosaurs in China | news


A group of scientists announced the discovery of a new species of dinosaur in the Lingwu region of China (north- West),

According to the study published Tuesday by the journal Nature Communications the remains found correspond to the "Lingwulong shenqi", whose meaning in Chinese is "amazing dragon of Lingwu." [19659004] SOURCE: Reuters

The animal had a small head, neck and long tail, and legs like columns. In addition, its length was between 10 and 16 meters in total

Specialists said that the fossil was about 174 million years old and that it was a neosauropod, ancestor of herbivores called sauropods [19659007].

The study explains that this discovery entails a historical readjustment, since the new species is 15 million years older than any other similar in Asia.

This time she places it in the Jurbadic, but the scientists thought no. The neosauropods have been found on the Asian continent until now

The discovery "challenges conventional biogeographic ideas and suggests that the dispersion in East Asia occurred much earlier than expected, "they said. >> Scientists discover new species of dinosaurs in the USA

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