They find the corpse of a newborn baby in the bathroom of an airplane with toilet paper in the mouth


The corpse of a newborn was discovered in the bathroom of a plane about to land. According to the crew members, the child had his mouth full of toilet paper

The incident occurred Wednesday in a ship of the company AirAsia while it was was moving between the city of Guwahati, in the east of the country, and New Delhi.

"A doctor from the medical team at Delhi International Airport confirmed that the baby was born in the plane," said a company statement quoted by the company as saying. AFP agency.

Women who flew in the aircraft were interviewed before the suspect was identified and detained.

"A 19-year-old woman confessed to giving birth to the baby and taking her to the hospital for treatment," she confirmed. a policeman.

"She only told us that she is an athlete, but she refused the medical examination or (give) more details about the incident."

The investigators are working now trying to contact the woman's family in order to get more details. The mother is liable to a fine and up to two years in prison.

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