They find two other bodies in the border area with Ecuador – Conflict and Drug Trafficking – Justice


The remains of two people found in Tumaco were handed over to the forensic medicine in Pasto

  Walter Patricio Arisala Vernaza, aka Guacho

Walter Patricio Arisala Vernaza, aka Guacho, dissident of Farc.


Courtesy of the army


3rd July 2018, 13:41

Two other bodies were found by the authorities in the rural area of ​​Tumaco (Nariño) near the border between Colombia and Ecuador and where the remains of the three members of the country. press team had already been extracted. El Comercio, murdered by 'Guacho & # 39;

The discovery was made by a military patrol, supported by canines specialized in the location of human remains.

The bodies were exhumed and on site, the protocols of uprising supported by members of the CTI of the Office of the Prosecutor were respected.

Official sources informed EL TIEMPO that bodies had been sent to Legal Medicine in Pasto where studies and processes necessary for full identification will begin

Official spokesmen indicated that At this point, it can neither be confirmed nor denied that the remains may belong to the two Ecuadorian citizens who were abducted by the dissident. According to information from the authorities of the neighboring country, Oscar Villacía and Katty Velasco, who appeared in a video asking for their release, they were kidnapped by the men of "Guacho". in mid-April and they had no more information.

This afternoon, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador issued a press release. in which he informed that the officials of the Office of the Prosecutor of Ecuador "are in contact with their Colombian counterparts, in order to coordinate the corresponding actions that allow to verify the identity of the two bodies found."

JUSTICE On Twitter: @ JusticiaET

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