They investigate sexual abuse 158 people related to the church


Together, the related people total 158 bishops, priests and lay people, who are the subject of an investigation for badual abuse in Chile, announced the prosecutor's office of this country.

The prosecution has records dating from 1960 to date, in which there are 266 victims, including 178 children and adolescents victims of badual abuse by members linked to the Chilean Catholic Church , which is experiencing one of its worst crises since visiting the country of Pope Francisco last January.

Among the people surveyed, besides the parish priests and the active bodies of the church, there are "lay people who have exercised a certain function in the ecclesial sphere", such as the coordinators of the pastoral areas of the schools.

Of the respondents, 74 do not belong to any religious congregation, while 65 are, for the most part, members of the Salesians and Marists.

Meanwhile, Pope Francis is restructuring the local church and for the time being he has only accepted charges against five members of the Chilean church. Four of them are accused of concealing or ignoring allegations of badual abuse of their subordinates.

The denunciations of pedophilia do not cease and these have led many church leaders to deviate from their duties, while the public opinion scorns their point of view on the subject.

According to the prosecutor's office, many culprits were found in the raids carried out in the offices of the bishoprics.

"Here there is not only a serious contradiction, but there is a serious betrayal of a faith made by people who believe in the Church, in God and in His ministers ", acknowledged the spokesman of the Episcopal Conference

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