They murder a priest in Medellín


Authorities investigate the incident that took place in Bethlehem, southwest of the city.

This Wednesday, the night, the religious John Fredy García Jaramillo 50 years were found dead at his home in the district of Belén Los Almendros, southwest of Medellín , by the staff of the CTI of the Office of the Prosecutor.

buses in commune 13 of Medellín

The body of the priest had stab wounds. The hypothesis that the police study, is that his death is the result of an attempted robbery.

"Until now, what they say is that it was a larceny, one of the people found his rings in his mouth. They searched around the door." 39, apartment, the safe was open, "said to Cbad RCN, Diana Sánchez, one of the parish priest's parents.

Police confirmed the capture of two youths accused of being responsible for the priest's death. However, they continue to investigate how the events occurred.

García Jaramillo belonged to the diocese of Apartadó and worked at a school in Medellín to teach ethics courses. He has been recognized for his social work in the community.

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