They murder the commander and the deputy police commander in Valdivia, Antioquia | Colombia


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A Commanding Officer and Deputy Commanding Officer of the Police Substation in the Municipality of Puerto Valdivia, Antioquia, were killed by unknown persons who attacked the patrol in which they were mobilized, informed the authorities.

Police explained that Mayor Alexander de Jesús Hernández Álvarez and Deputy Mayor Rafer Stith Baldovino Muñoz "They were cowardly attacked from the top of the mountain while they were patrolling in the El Coliseo area", on board a patrol in which they were mobilized, as well as the Jeferson patrolman Gaviria Pérez, who was wounded

attacked with an explosion of rifles and explosive devices in an area where are present the "Clan del Golfo", the biggest criminal gang in the country, and the company "Heroes and Martyrs of Tarazá". According to the authorities, the police carried out patrols to take charge of items that are in the homes of the people affected by the emergency of Hidroituango who is in an emergency since May 7 when he had place. a landslide that blocked the tunnel that diverts the waters of the Cauca River, and that have been dammed into an unfinished reservoir.

Puerto Valdivia is the only city where the red alert is maintained due to the urgency of Hidroituango and that is why the police and the army do patrols to keep the houses evacuated and prevent villagers from returning to dangerous areas.

Mayor of Puerto Valdivia, Darío Henao, lamented the fact that the uniform was killed

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