They Offer a $ 100 Million Reward for Eliminating Officials in El Tarra | Colombia


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General Ómar Rubiano, Head of the Police Citizen Security Unit, along with l. elite research institution of the institution, moved to the municipality of El Tarra, Norte de Santander, where took place the mbadacre [of of nine people . According to the report, soldiers arrive at the site to take over the investigations and determine the cause of the events.

Preliminary information from the authorities confirmed that a group of armed men arrived at a public facility in the Villa Esperanza area of ​​the city. Primero de Enero district of said municipality and fired indiscriminately. The criminal act initially left a toll of eight dead and three others injured, a figure that changed Tuesday morning after the death of one of the people who were seriously injured.

The mbadacre that left nine dead and two wounded in El Tarra

For these events, the director of police, General Jorge Nieto, announced Tuesday morning that from the institution up to # 39 to 100 million pesos were offered which provides information on the comings and goings of those responsible for the mbadacre.

"It is an unfortunate fact that we totally reject and in this sense since yesterday a commission of the region has been moved and with the military forces takes the whole procedure of the case. (… ) On behalf of the National Police, we have set a reward of up to 100 million pesos for information, "said the officer.

For its part, the Attorney General's office also sent a specialized commission to determine the causes. facts and find those responsible. By means of a trill in his official Twitter account, the accuser confirmed that among the dead, there were Farc dissidents.

"For demobilized demobilized #FARCs certified by the government among the murdered in the #ElTarra mbadacres, Special Unit against Organized Crime Office of the Prosecutor will guide the investigation.He moves to the location of events with #CTI thanks to @PoliciaColombia's security and transport support, "reads the trino.

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