They ratify sanction to the controller of Antioquia for false doctorate


The announcement was made by the Attorney General, Fernando Carrillo, who felt that Sergio Zuluaga Peña lied to take over "so much social and administrative importance that the tax control of". a department."

The prosecutor stated that unacceptable and reprehensible behavior that Sergio Zuluaga Peña did. Courtesy

The ten months of disciplinary sanctions imposed last January on the Regional Controller of Antioquia, Sergio Zuluaga Peña, for providing inaccurate information to access the contest organized by the Departmental Assembly of Antioquia was ratified on Thursday by the Attorney General . This was announced by the Attorney General, Fernando Carrillo, who felt that the official lied to take an important position for the department.

"The Attorney General's Office can not and will not tolerate, with actions such as these, and violates the Colombian legal system." There was a lack of truth on the part of the official, blatant in a process of selection to earn points in this contest, but the most serious is that he lied to take charge of such social and administrative importance as nothing less than the fiscal control of a department "said Carillo (In the context: Controller of Antioquia admitted to not have a doctorate that appeared on his resume)

The prosecutor characterized the behaviors as unacceptable and reprehensible realized Zuluaga Peña, when it was an official who was at the head of a control body. According to the investigation, Zuluaga Peña claims to have completed a doctorate in administrative law at the San Pablo CEU University of Madrid (Spain), in October 2012, when, according to the disciplinary investigation, did not it's not produced . The coordinator of doctoral programs with Ibero-America also confirmed what happened

At the time, the prosecution said that the document presented by the controller "is not a proof of diploma in the aforementioned doctorate, refers to who studies the same thing and follows the subsequent requirements of the academic program ". In other words, he indicated that Zuluaga Peña was only a candidate for a Ph.D. (This could interest him: they suspend for 10 months the controller of Antioquia for fake Ph.D.)

The controller, however, had stated that there had been an error in the presentation of his CV because he had a letter and that he had always gone to have someone to help you fill it out The prosecution questioned Zuluaga Peña's actions for ideological lies because they were providing inaccurate information that undermine the public morality, transparency, legality, loyalty and honesty that should characterize any public official . 19659010] [ad_2]
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