They reinforce security on the road to the sea after an attack on tractor trucks


July 14, 2018 – 1:31 pm
2018-07-14 By:

Editorial of El País Buenaventura

After the cremation of a heavy vehicle and the badignment in the tires d & # 39; Another this Saturday, the Force Publique has redoubled its presence on the road that connects Buenaventura to the interior of the country.

Vehicle traffic was restored after an hour of closure, while members of the army, navy and police remain in the road corridor. kilometer 29, where the incineration of the vehicle was recorded by suspected members of the ELN.

"The personnel of the army, the Navy and the police have moved into the area, and the pace is now completely normalized," said the police commander of Buenaventura, Colonel Jorge Miguel Cabra.

Read here: "They cremated a tractor-trailer on the Buenaventura road and leave marks of the ELN."

Ortaba sugar from the Risaralda sugar factory, was badaulted and cremated on Saturday morning by unknown, who also scored another vehicle with the initials of the ELN

  ELN Buenaventura Truck Tractor Via to the Sea

A vehicle that was detained near the Cremated tractor was marked with the initials of the ELN

Courtesy of El País

Mayor of Buenaventura, Edison Bioscar Ruiz, badured that the reaction of the authorities prevented the recording of more violent incidents on the road .

] "The intention, apparently, was to do the same with other vehicles, but the rapid reaction of the Force Publique has made these people, who claim to belong to the United States. ELN, have fled, "he says. that in the security councils that were carried out the previous days, the situation of the road to the sea was discussed and for this reason the army quickly regained control of the road. [19] 659006] Security measures will also be strengthened in the urban area of ​​Buenaventura, in order to prevent the emergence of disturbances of public order, amidst activities to celebrate the 478 years of the foundation of the city.

The authorities lamented that the incursion of the ELN was presented precisely on the anniversary of Buenaventura, thus blurring the beginning of the commemoration of the important date.

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