They will lay charges against Iván Márquez's nephew for post-conflict contracts


July 23, 2018 – 6:21 pm




The Public Prosecutor charges Marlon Marín, nephew of Farc Iván Márquez's former fighter, and five others for allegedly stating that he had been arrested. appropriate resources for the post-conflict period.

In this sense, Marlon Marín will be brought to court in a virtual way since he is currently before the US justice for drug trafficking.

See also: "Post-conflict is not seen on television, you have to go to the regions": Director of the National Victims Unit

For her part, María Elvira Valencia Gómez , lawyer and expert in public procurement; José Domingo Ardila Neira, former deputy of Santander and exconcejal of Socorro (Santander); Yessica Carolina Gómez Builes; Bibiana Marleny Arias Garzón and Jesús Aldemar Puello Rojas, will be presented before a judge with a warranty control function on August 24 at the judicial complex in Paloquemao.

According to the accuser, "the evidence gathered in three months of investigations, have uncovered an illegal network of" hunting contracts "allegedly devoted to co-opting entrepreneurs with the Hypothesis to guarantee the delivery of agricultural projects and the construction of tertiary roads, as defined in the Final Agreement of End of Conflict ".

According to the authorities, the organization would be headed by Marlon Marín, who would have asked for a percentage of the total value of the contracts by means of an advance to seal the award.

"For the prosecution, these people accepted and acted consciously, they knew that the cooptation of contractors and the conclusion of agreements on contractual processes are illegal actions that violate the principles of transparency and transparency. objectivity defined in the Constitution criminal purposes.In this sense, they will be jointly accused of committing a crime for unlawful enrichment, "said the accuser.

The individuals charged with laying charges were advised on April 5 to go to the prosecution bunker and conduct a series of interrogations to establish their liability in these cases.

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