They will observe the red planet in its largest diameter


MERIDA, YUCATAN.- On July 31, Mars will be at its closest point to the Earth a phenomenon that is recorded every 15 or 17 years, so it can be observe the red planet also in its largest diameter in many years, reported the famous Yucatec astronomer, Eddie Salazar Gamboa, published

In an interview for Notimex, the specialist explained that the first time this phenomenon was recorded. in the year of 1971 and since then it has been followed in 1988, 2003 and now this year.

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He explained that on the following day 31, March will be located as a distance of. astronomical unit at 0.37569 which equates to about 56 million 200 thousand kilometers of planet Earth.

It should be noted that the average distance between the earth and the planet the red is more than 100 million kilometers, which means that the next day 31, the distance between the two will be practically half, this is that is, it is reduced by 50% on average, so it is a minimum distance between the minimums,

Therefore, is one of the most significant since as mentioned at the beginning it is recorded every 15 or 17 years so that it can be observed again in 2030 and in 2050, not before these years, added Salazar Gamboa.

For astronomy enthusiasts it will be a very important day, because with a telescope they will be able to observe the largest diameter of Mars for a long time and at the same time they can also be corroborated that the planet has a bigger size than usual.

This is an event that occurs very rarely so you should definitely take the opportunity to observe Mars at its closest point. not since 2003. "

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