This is the case by which the Office of the Prosecutor will investigate Uribe – Congreso – Política


The Supreme Court warned Tuesday that she had lost jurisdiction to continue the investigation against former president Álvaro Uribe, for allegedly pressuring a witness for him to withdraw the charges against him, in which he linked him to illegal groups

The case against Uribe was officially opened on February 18 after the court learned that the lawyers who claimed to take possession of him had been arrested. former president began to visit in prison the ex-paramilitary Juan Guillermo Monsalve Pineda. The expara stated that they were offering him gifts in exchange for the cancellation of his statement against the exmandatario.

And although the Court considers that there is evidence to call Uribe to an inquiry, with his resignation as a senator, the case goes to the Office of the Prosecutor.

"As soon as the Senate accepts the resignation, we will evaluate the conduct and if they have nothing to do with his function as a senator, we will send the file to the prosecutor's office," said L & # 39, one of the three magistrates in the course of the proceedings: José Luis Barceló, Fernando Castro Caballero and Luis Antonio Hernández

. ] Indeed, using his social networks, Uribe announced his resignation from the Senate to deal with the case. And incidentally accused the Court of filtering for political purposes procedural parts, including its call to the investigation.

Versions found

The investigation against Uribe arose out of a complaint that he himself lodged against Senator Ivan Cepeda for allegedly recruiting witnesses against him. P the Court found no evidence against Cepeda and, on the contrary, compiled copies against Uribe on the indications that he was pressing witnesses.

Among the evidence that the Court felt was to summon the senator more voted in the history of the country (more than 800,000 votes), there are audios and videos.

In these, Monsalve and his wife recorded meetings with Diego Cadena, one of Uribe's lawyers. In addition, the interviews that the exparamilitar held with a cell mate, in La Picota, Enrique Pardo Hasche, an intermediary to conduct meetings with the emissaries of Uribe.

In a manuscript that Cadena sent to El TIEMPO two months ago, when the Uribe investigation came up, Pardo Hasche himself admitted his mediation. Pardo, prosecuted for the abduction of Nohora Puyana's father, said in his letter that Monsalve's proposal to meet emissaries of Uribe was sent by Vicky Jaramillo, near the Democratic Center.

And it is there that the versions change

Monsalve says that he was offered gifts to retract, including taking him to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) .

But Cadena badures EL TIEMPO that the offer of retraction is voluntary. And he says he's recorded a meeting in a cafeteria near the yard, with Monsalve's wife, proving that nothing has ever been offered in return.

<img alt = "Here is the file by which the prosecutor's office will investigate Uribe [19659015] Diego Cadena visited Monsalve as Álvaro Uribe's agent Juan Guillermo Monsalve, key witness against Álvaro Uribe and his brother Enrique Pardo Hasche, sued for kidnapping Eduardo Puyana

"This gentleman told me in the face that he was sorry and that he wanted to retract. I always asked him to tell the truth. There is audio. All the work I've done is within the framework of legality, "said Cadena, known for seizing narcos such as Diego Montoya, aka Don Diego. In fact, it is Cadena who brought letters to the prosecution against Santiago Uribe of narcos to defend the breeder.

The lawyer also ensures that he has a certification from INPEC in which he states that the Monsalve device used to illegally register him entered prison. EL TIEMPO established that this was facilitated by a foreign agency

Another investigation

And there is another meeting that the prosecution should clarify and involving the representative Álvaro Hernán Prada, that the Court also called an inquiry.

Prada, representative of the Huila Democratic Center, appears with Monsalve and the "expara". says that he even put the speaker to talk to Uribe.

But the former president and his lawyer Jaime Lombana say that everything was a trap. In addition, they bought witnesses against them.

The trills of Álvaro Uribe

On Alvaro Uribe, Álvaro Uribe badured that he would resign from the Senate because he felt "morally prevented from acting as a senator" and that he would at the same time advance his defense.

Uribe stated that they paid witnesses against him, and that the court was supposed to be aware of this situation. "I exercise my right to disbademble these testimonies, but the political and journalistic pressure prevails."

He added that he acted in accordance with the law, but "the Court, without hearing, qualifies my actions as manipulating witnesses". He also said that the ex-prosecutor Hilda Farfán Niño (who is heard about the interceptions) "expressed, through the intermediary of close friends of his family, that he knew all the time. badembly against my brother Santiago.This is different from pledging to discredit a process. "


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