This left the presidencies of the Senate and the House of Representatives


July 20, 2018 – 23:34.
2018-07-20 By:

Summary of the agencies

The Senator of the Democratic Center Ernesto Macías was elected President of the Senate, while the Liberal Alejandro Carlos Chacón will occupy this dignity in the House [19659006] Macías, of the Democratic Center Party, succeeds Efraín Cepeda, while Chacón replaces Rodrigo Lara Restrepo.

In the Senate, the Democratic Center is the first force with 19 seats, while in the House has the second bench, with 32 seats, three less than the Liberal Party.

Senator Macías, born in Neiva, is a social communicator of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, a career that he held on the AS del Huila radio station and general manager of the Diario del Huila, between 2004 and 2006.

He was also mayor of Altamira (Huila), councilor of Garzón, general secretary of Huila's Assembly and deputy between 1992 and 1995.

ju In 2014, the Senate was supported by the former president and current senator, Álvaro Uribe. Macías worked as an adviser to the office of the minister of communications María del Rosario Guerra

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House of Representatives

] In the midst of an agreement already known between parties, Alejandro Carlos Chacón, of the Liberals, was elected this Friday, upon the possession of the new Congress, as the new president of the House of Representatives with a vote of 155 votes, 169 representatives who voted.

Atlinano Giraldo, of the radical Cambio party with 166 votes, will occupy the first vice-presidency of the Chamber; Inti Asprilla, of Green Marine with 164 supporters, will be the second vice president; Jorge Humberto Mantilla, conservative, repeats as general secretary with 165 votes; In the office of the undersecretary was Norbey Marulanda, also Liberals with 167 votes; and in the administrative direction will again María Carolina Carrillo, from the U with all the votes in favor.

In his first speech as President of the House of Representatives, Alejandro Carlos Chacón, said that the House will meet the challenges in transcendental issues like tax reform and expressed support for the government of Iván Duque.

"With technique and probity, we will face challenges in such areas as tax reform, widely promoted by the new national government, the unrelenting struggle against monetary and multidimensional poverty, working with government institutions to enact laws that promote the business environment for the creation of decent jobs, mechanisms of environmental sustainability, give priority to the defense of páramos and wetlands, strengthen public education to expand coverage and quality, positive action for women and ethnic minorities, "said the president of the House

Chacón claimed that the country has witnessed the ravages caused by the irresponsibility of leaders who, under the pretext of defending the most needy clbades, leave economies in ruins and transform constitutions into texts He added that this is the reason why they should be ready to deal with "populism". "We must be ready to face this growing danger, because populism involves indecipherable pettiness and the interests of those who proclaim change to the detriment of the rule of law. democratic values ​​on which modern societies have been erected. This irresponsible threat is not recent. He has been present in different scenarios, undermining the legitimacy of institutions. And the citizens, who are in need, are mobilized with siren songs and unsustainable proposals, resulting in a frustrating stalemate due to the inability of the populist to execute in the public administration what is happening. he promised and preached without help of democratic responsibility. "President of the House

According to Chacón, this type of actions and exhibitions violate the law and hope of Colombians of 39, to have a better country and for this reason, expressed its support to President-elect Iván Duque with regard to Venezuela.

"The elected president will feel our full support, it will be the measures that he adopt sovereignly and legitimately vis – à – vis Venezuela. Our steadfast aim is to help the national government to demonstrate the Venezuelan regime's illegitimacy, by emphasizing the importance of calling on the inter-American human rights system to force the restoration by legal means. of democracy in this country, "said Chacón also: Lower pants, late arrivals and other events that were stolen from the" show "at the Congress

Vice President Senate

The first vice-president, he corresponded to Party U with Senator Barranquillero Eduardo Pulgar, The second vice-president was elected by the senator of the Green Alliance, Angelica Lozano, with 71 votes, while 29 were empty. [19659022]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments ): n.queue.push (arguments)};
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