This will be the implosion of the pile that remained on the Chirajara Bridge | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


After nearly six months of the Chirajara cable-stayed bridge, on the road that connects Bogotá to Villavicencio, this Wednesday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the remaining battery C will be imploded [19659002]. Concesionaria Vial de los Andes (Coviandes), entity in charge of the work, for the implosion will be used about 200 kilos of explosives, 3000 meters of detonating cord, 30 detonators and accompaniment of 11 experts.

To comply with this The total closure of the road will be made one hour before (at 13:00) until one hour after the activity (15:00) at the tolls of Naranjal and Pipiral, respectively.

The demolition of the structure, according to the dealer, will take 15 minutes in the initial preparation, less than a minute in the implosion and between 5 and 7 minutes for the dust to dissipate.

"The hour from one to three o'clock in the afternoon is because at this time the wind has a greater speed in crossing the canyon of the Eastern Cordillera, as well as traffic is decreasing, "said Coviandes. there will be a complete security operation, according to the emergency plan prepared by the entity.

The implosion process will be in charge of the company "Demoliciones Atila Implosion SAS", engaged by Coviandes, expert in the use of controlled explosives with the aim of reducing the seismicity, impact on falling, noise and dispersal of particulate matter for communities near the Contingency Zone.

"Once the situation in the standardized area, vehicle traffic and debris removal and collection process will begin, which will be done in accordance with environmental and safety measures that have also been taken into account in the pile, B ", said the concessionaire of the road.

Notice to the Community

Coviandes asked the Meta Governor, Marcela Amaya García, and the Mayor of Villavicencio, Wilmar Barbosa, to advance the necessary management of socialization on the island. operation with the population of the department

"We posted posters on the walls of houses surrounding Chirajara to explain to the inhabitants what will happen during the implosion and be vigilant," said the mayor of Villavicencio.

Barbosa said that waiting Monday, July 16, to make a departmental council on risk management and thus make decisions about what will happen in the reconstruction of the bridge.

"We are very impatient because we have received all the information from the We asked Coviandes to take into account all the emergency plans, they told us that they had hired the best But we do not We do not want to experience such difficult moments that in the month of February, when we lasted 40 hours, we were isolated in this preventive closure decreed by the Minister of Transport which has generated millions of losses that we do not have. still have not recovered, "said the Mayor of Villavicencio.

A New Bridge

The Chirajara Bridge, under construction, collapsed on January 15 and left nine dead Coviandes' studies led to design failures in the structure that led to the fall, but the foundations of the work are in "good shape" to begin the process. reconstruction eventual which will take about a year.

Regarding who would pay for the new construction, at the time the Minister of Transport, Germán Cardona, He said that Coviandes had to respond fully to the collapse of the bridge of Chirajara, which had a investment of nearly 72,000 million pesos.

"Coviandes must be aware of the consequences of the loss, so they must cover the costs of the pontoon and support to the families of the victims," ​​said Cardona.

The general manager of the Coviandes road dealer, Alberto Mariño, agreed with Cardona, stating that "the state will not put a single peso on the reconstruction of the bridge", project that began its bid in 2010 with the estimate that it would be delivered in June this year.

Mariño said that they had five foreign firms interested in the new structure, and argued that there is no approximate value for the cost of reconstruction.

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