Three former congressists involved in "toxic jam" – Crimes – Justice


In just two phases of the search-mother called "toxic jam", the prosecution has already captured 15 people, compiled copies against three former members of Congress and discovered irregularities in the management of approximately 120 billion pesos.

Hand in hand with the Comptroller's Office – who reviewed the fate of the billions of pesos issued by the governments of Álvaro Uribe and Juan Manuel Santos in the indicative quota modality (articles for works in areas managed by members of Congress) – the prosecutor's office found evidence of irregularities in the Coldeportes agreements for which eight people were captured and copies were sent to the Supreme Court to investigate on Antonio Jose Correa of Citizen's Choice. Vice President of Congress

As El TIEMPO revealed this week, two of the entrepreneurs captured for paying a millionaire to keep building a field in a municipality of Bolívar were not only in the office from Correa in the new Congress building, where the offices of parliamentarians are located.

They also entered the offices of six other members of Congress at the same time, and the screening agencies are ready to make the first decisions in this regard. These politicians are José Carlos Mizger, Cristóbal Rodríguez Hernández, José Alfredo Gnneco Zuleta, Arturo García Turbay Lidio, Rafael Bernardo Oyola Ordosgoitia and Wilson Córdoba Mena.

This week the prosecution revealed the results of a new chapter, this time on corrupt practices in one of the most contested entities of any state: the Fonade. This institution has been in recent years the Ñoños bureaucratic fortress and its millionaire budget would have been, according to the record, the spoils of the corrupt.

Seven people, including Fonade officials and individuals, were captured under undue interest charges in the performance of contracts, bribery and conspiracy to commit a crime.

The prosecutor's office says they intervened so that the audit of a social housing construction contract be entrusted to a firm that would have previously negotiated with two controversial former delegates: Musa Besaile (one of the 'ñoños', jailed for the cartel scandal of the toga') and José Tous, heir to the political power of Bernardo Miguel Elías and who s & # 39; Is burned in the last congressional elections.

Thanks to the middlemen who were captured, the two parliamentarians would have received a 25% bribe from the contract, which was worth 16 billion pesos. As in the case of Correa (who also burned last March), the prosecutor's office copied copies to the Supreme Court to open a new lawsuit against Musa Besaile and investigate All, which was splashed by the Odebrecht scandal.

The investigation indicates that Fonade officials advised, in exchange for millionaire bribes, the contractor who stayed on the audit even though he was not answering technical requirements.

This process would have been mediatised by the Musa Besaile maps of the entity. The investigation could also affect a Fonade director who, according to investigations from "the toga poster", would have been approved by the "Ñoños" and by the former president of the Francisco Supreme Court Javier Ricaurte.

According to the advice of my lawyers, I will take the liberty and I am ready to appear to any kind of audience

Free involved in cases of corruption

At dawn of the day. yesterday was released Felipe Rodríguez Mariano, one of those captured for alleged corruption in Fonade .

Judge 18 control of the municipal criminal guarantee concluded that his capture was illegal.

Rodríguez is a Fonade official, and according to information from the The Prosecutor's Office is a member of the Fund's Valuation Committee. After receiving a release order, Rodríguez said: "According to the advice of my lawyers, I will take the liberty and I am committing a crime."

ready to appear at any type of hearing. "

It is part of the investigations conducted by the Office of the Prosecutor as part of phase two of the operation" Toxic Jam. "The judge concluded that the other six seizures complied with judicial procedures and announced that next Tuesday the hearing would continue to lay charges and set the measure of insurance.

On Twitter: @JusticiaET

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