Three Venezuelans captured for auto parts theft in Medellín | Medellin


The Metropolitan Police captured five adults and apprehended a minor in an operation where a stolen car was recovered.

The official action took place in the San Antonio de Prado corregimiento, village of El Astillero, south west of the city of Medellin, where units attached to the quadrant of the area , after being alerted by citizens, intercepted a campero-type vehicle in which four people were mobilized and a truck-type vehicle in which two others moved and car parts belonging to an NPR-branded vehicle were found, such as: truck tires, cushions, axles, street lamps, mirrors and a fuel tank, among other elements, as well as various tools to disarm them.

Immediately, the units began looking for the rest of the vehicle's auto parts and found it later, in a wooded area

. ezolanos of 17, 37 and 38 years old. Those captured and less apprehended were left at the disposal of the competent authority for the receiving crime.

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