Transmission of the longest lunar eclipse of the century


The particularity of this eclipse is that it will take 3 hours and 55 minutes. In parts of Colombia, it can only be seen for five minutes.

The moon will have a reddish color during the lunar eclipse. GSFC / NASA

Today, July 27, the longest lunar eclipse of the century is in development, visible from many parts of the world. The inhabitants of Europe, Africa, the Middle East, part of Central Asia and part of South America will have the 39, an opportunity to enjoy it. "The peculiarity of this eclipse is that it will be the longest of the century, with a total duration of 3 hours and 55 minutes, although the whole phase is 1 hour and 43 minutes," explains NASA

. at 17:14 GMT, and will end at 23:28 GMT. The entire eclipse phase will occur from 19:30 to 21:13 GMT. During the eclipse, the moon will temporarily have a reddish color, known as the blood moon.

In the case of Colombia, not all departments will be able to see it. Antioquia, Atlantico, Chocó, Córdoba, Magdalena, Nariño, Risaralda, San Andrés and Providencia, Sucre and Valle del Cauca are excluded from observation because they are located too far to the # 39;. The other Colombians will only have five minutes to observe one of the final phases of the (the so-called "penumbral" phase), of 18h23 with its maximum point at 18h25 and ending at 18h28

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth interposes between the Sun and the Moon, projecting a shadow that obscures our satellite. For this it is necessary that the three objects are aligned, which does not happen every month because the orbit of the Moon around our planet is inclined compared to that of the Earth-Sun.

In this case the lunar eclipse is total because the entire moon is pbading through the ombra, the darkest and most central part of the shadow. At other times or moments, it is partial if only a part goes into the shadow; or penumbral, when it crosses the earthly gloom (outer part of the shadow where only solar radiation is partially blocked). (Read: The world is preparing for the longest lunar eclipse of the century).

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