Trump and the United States reach an agreement with Europe to end the transatlantic trade war


The United States as the European Commission announced its decision to move towards the total elimination of tariffs

Less risk to the world. The United States has reached an agreement with Europe to put an end to a trade war in the two largest economic blocs in the world:

Donald Trump and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, met this afternoon. meeting where they sealed the truce: the European leader has agreed to work with the White House to increase imports of liquefied natural gas and soy and reduce tariffs in both regions.

On his Twitter account, Trump had reported that Manana is supportive of the elimination of all tariffs between the two partners, although he thinks Brussels will not agree.

At a joint conference at which both authorities confirmed the progress and will advance that they will seek to eliminate tariffs completely. a good day for free and fair trade, "said Trump, adding that the meeting marked" a new phase in relations between the United States and the EU, a phase of close friendship and strong trade relations in which the two will win. "

For his part, Juncker said: and we did, it was a good and constructive meeting."

Markets reacted immediately, with stocks and bond yields reaching record highs.

The end of the trade war between Europe and the United States erases one of the biggest threats that have affected the global economy, and now all that is missing is a pact to end tensions between the United States and China.

For Beijing, the agreement between Brussels and Washington means that it is losing a strategic ally in its attempts to oppose the Trump campaign to renegotiate the terms of world trade.

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