Trump asked his advisers if he could invade Venezuela – USA and Canada – International


US President Donald Trump spoke of the possibility of invading Venezuela several months ago citing national security concerns, local media reported in that country

. It is known that this conversation took place months ago since Trump exposed this option during a meeting with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and the National Security Advisor of the White House, HR McMaster, who are no longer part of the executive.

According to the CNN, which quotes sources close to the president who requested anonymity, the president appreciated this possibility in one of the moments of greater tension between Washington and Caracas and waved issues national security to defend this measure.

In any case, according to said source, the possible invasion of the Latin American country "has never been an imminent option" . In August of last year, the US president publicly stated that he did not rule out a "military option" to solve the "very dangerous mess" that Venezuela was going through, immersed in a wave of anti-government demonstrations that left more than 120 dead. [19659006] Just one day after these statements, Nicolás Maduro Guerra, son of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, warned Trump that the oil country would respond with "rifles in New York" and would take control of the White House in case of an accident. US military invasion.

Relations between the United States and Venezuela are particularly entrenched since the arrival of Trump in January 2017.

Because of this tense relationship, the White House has applied in recent years month of numerous sanctions against Venezuelan officials and companies, and even came to promote a resolution to launch the process of suspension of Venezuela from the Organization of American States (OAS).


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