Trump now seeks to detain immigrant families for longer


Texas, United States

The US government, led by Donald Trump, is now planning to extend the detention of undocumented immigrant families for months instead of releasing them, according to documents filed yesterday.

"The government will not separate the families, but will keep them together while the immigration procedures are being processed, when they are held in or between the points of entry," said the prosecutors of the Ministry of Justice.

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Sad Panorama

These procedures may last for months or even years

Until now, families have been released because of the practice of "take and release", but Trump wants to end this measure.

That's why the president put up a zero tolerance, with which he separated families by charging immigration crimes to parents to send them to jail.

But Trump suspended his zero tolerance policy after separating some 2,500 children from his parents because of the great rejection that he caused nationally and internationally.

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In addition, the court ordered to reunite children with their parents, which is why the government must release families according to the agreement "Flores "of 1997, which prohibits the detention of minors for more than 20 days.

It is this "Flores" agreement that Trump wants to amend now in order to keep the families detained indefinitely while their immigration lawsuits and eventual expulsion are resolved.

The document presented by the government in federal court in California it only explains that it will detain families "while the immigration process is being processed."


The Pentagon does not rule out allowing new thousand itares bases to accommodate undocumented migrants. "We are evaluating additional facilities to be able to distribute them to the lodgers and to better manage the population present in the bases," said Colonel Robert Manning, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense yesterday

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