Trump threatens to close the government, if there is no wall


Washington.- The President of the United States, Donald Trump, badured yesterday that he was ready to provoke a new paralysis of the government if the Democrats did not support his border security project, which includes the construction of a wall in the south. In addition, he said that crossing the country's border illegally has consequences, "with or without children".

"I would be ready to close the government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for border security, which includes the wall," tweeted the tycoon. "We have to get rid of the lottery, arrest and release, etc., and finally move towards a merit-based immigration system," he continued, referring to especially the lottery system. The US president also wants to limit the reunification of families.

"We need great people to come to our country!" Concludes the tycoon. This year, the US government closed twice for short periods

Trump promulgated the federal government's funding bill on March 23, but this compromise pbaded by the Congress between Republicans and Democrats, which no longer Not satisfied the president and threatened not to sign, only valid until September 30. The Republican had asked for $ 25 billion for the fence, but got only $ 600 million to raise fences and renew a few dozen kilometers.

Yesterday also, the President tweeted: "You must understand that there are consequences crossing our borders, with or without children [y muchos están simplemente usando niños para sus propios siniestros propósitos]."

The White House has made the object many critics since last April decided to adopt a policy of "zero tolerance" against immigrants irregularly entered the country. the border with Mexico, a measure that was finally suspended in the middle of last month due to the huge criticism received. Several government officials acknowledged that the purpose of this rule was a deterrent, given Trump's inability to build a border wall with Mexico or toughen laws for not having the necessary support in Congress, despite the fact that Republicans control both chambers.

"Congress must act to settle the worst and most dubious immigration legislation in the world," the president added in his message, which concluded with a laconic "R-vote" , with obvious reference to Republicans.

Due to the "zero tolerance" policy, nearly 3,000 minors were separated from their parents; However, at a request from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Federal Judge Dana Sabraw determined that this rule was against the law and ordered the government to reunite families. Last Thursday, however, the time allowed by the judge was respected and although the administration managed to reunite 1,820 families, according to official figures, the future of 711 children is still unknown.

Sabraw criticized last Friday that no documents have been kept to help contact the rest of the immigrants. In addition, the ACLU should also receive a list of 120 parents who have waived their right to reunification, because they want to make sure that they understand what this entails.

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