Two points are missing to make a truce with the ELN: Santos


July 21, 2018 – 20:59 pm




To achieve a new ceasefire with ELN, in the dialogues that are held with this guerrilla in Cuba it is necessary to have a consensus on two points.

That's what President Juan Manuel Santos said on Saturday when he crossed the Cauca department.

According to the President, these points are: during this truce, the insurgents do not commit kidnappings; and that they understand that the Force Publique can operate in any part of the national territory, "without asking anyone's permission, simply by fulfilling their constitutional mandate".

Read also: Santos hopes to reach a ceasefire with the ELN before the end of his term

For Santos, these demands are "red lines", which can not be crossed. "If ELN agrees, we will have a verifiable and real ceasefire," he said.

As he stated Friday during the installation of Congress sessions, Santos intends to leave to the next government a list of truce and, if possible, also a framework agreement on the thematic agenda. "There is goodwill," he argues.

Public conversations with the ELN began in March 2016. The first dialogue table was in the city of Quito (Ecuador) until April 20, 2018, but was interrupted by order of the Ecuadorian government , which required the ELN to put an end to their acts of terrorism. This decision was influenced by the kidnapping and murder of three members of the newspaper El Comercio, by FARC dissidents in the border area.

After what happened, the talks were moved to Havana, Cuba, in May, where the fifth round of dialogues takes place.

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