Unexpected action left a thief surprised and took nothing


A young man who was arriving in a house in Peru had the cell phone in his hand when he was approached by another man with a suspicious attitude. His unexpected action surprised the so-called thief who turned and left.

Photo: Video Capture

This happened in Lima, Peru, and the video uploaded on social networks adds thousands of visualizations. It shows the moment when a young man manipulates his mobile phone in front of a house, apparently waiting for someone to accompany him.

A few times, he looks behind his back, while a man approached with a suspicious attitude. Before the alleged thief arrives with him, he decides to throw his smartphone on the balcony of the house

This surprised the alleged thief, who sees his potential victim raise his hand showing that he did not nothing of value with him. he slowly moves away

The offender had no other choice to turn around and go back

The images were shown by various means in Peru, which recommended not to imitate the action of the young man, since criminals could retaliate after seeing his frustrated flight attempt.

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