US Government Keeps Hundreds of Separate Migrant Families in Limbo


San Diego, United States

An American judge welcomed Friday that the federal government reunited several immigrant families who were separated at the border but criticized that he still has in limbo hundreds of children whose parents have no trace.

At a court hearing in San Diego, California, magistrate Dana Sabraw granted a "Great Credit" for the government's efforts to return 1,820 children immigrants aged 5 to 18 with their parents or guardians before the deadline for Thursday, but the reunification of the remaining families remains to be settled. [19659003] At today's meeting, lawyers from the Department of Justice have informed that 650 minors are still not eligible to be delivered to their parents, including 431 children of parents. deportees and a dozen Office of Immigration and Customs (ICE).

The magistrate said that it is a government decision that the trace of several of them has been lost. parents and pointed out that the next phase will correspond to its location.

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Scott Stewars Attorney for the Government, said that the Administration has worked in "good faith" to meet the deadline stipulated by the court, which was refuted by the ACLU, the organization that filed a complaint against the government for the separation of immigrant families as a result of the "zero tolerance" policy against illegal immigration.

"It's as if the government wanted applause to clean up its own mess.There are still hundreds of kids who have not been reunited, the trauma caused to these kids does not will never leave, "said Lee Gelernt, deputy director and chief counsel of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) at a press conference.

During the hearing, the government reported that a thousand families reunited already had an order and a date of expulsion, of which 392 are still under the custody of immigration authorities while the Others are He is at liberty, albeit with an electronic chain.

ACLU's lawyers insisted today on the fact that, after family reunification, they have a time limit at least seven days before their expulsion, in order to: to study their options, including leaving their child s in the United States with a guardian.

Read more: The pope orders the imprisonment of Cardinal McCarrick until he is tried for abuse [19] 659003] Gelernt says that for parents it could be "the last time they see their children", in addition to taking into account the emotional effects caused in many children, some of whom have come to "accuse their parents" of having abandoned them or they are afraid of Be separated from them.

"The trauma is much bigger than we thought," he said.

The lawyer also alluded to a group of 120 parents who gave up their reunification. they made a hasty decision based on "misleading" information or without understanding the language.

The Department of Justice opposed the seven-day period requested by the ACLU because, he notes, they do not have the space to to house families in detention.

The magistrate has not pronounced today on the issue, probably he will do during the weekend, and during this time the suspension of expeditious deportation for these families is maintained. Weeks ago

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Although Friday's hearing was the last one in which both parties The judge asked the government to provide the ACLU with all the information it has about the parents who are no longer in the country and to find a way to contact them.

The magistrate will also ask for weekly updates of the family reunification process As he did not rule out the continuation of family separations, although for other reasons, he insisted that the Department of Family Reunification Health and Human Services, the Department of National Security and the Department of Justice have a communication protocol and a permanent plan for eventual reunification.

The government had until the end of this Thursday, July 26, to reunite their parents with 2,551 indocum aged between 5 and 18 years old, although the authorities finally reported yesterday the meeting of more than 1,800 families who considered that they were eligible, qualified as "failure" by civil organizations. EFE

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