Venezuela has won a historic victory against Cuba in Central America


The Venezuelan baseball team won its second victory Tuesday after defeating Cuba 2 races by 1 during its fourth participation in the Central American and Caribbean Games in 2018.

Carlos Launcher Parra was the most valuable player of the match. moor the island bats with the work of 7 complete heats, where he allowed 2 hits, 3 steps and scratched 3 hitters.

"The goal is to always attack." The Cuban hitters are very experienced and very selective at home – we had already met them, they are hitters with a lot of broken shots and that's why we let's work with the straight line, "said Parra, the winning pitcher of the match, who has just signed with Pumas de Córdoba of the Argentine Baseball League

. Once again, Junior Sosa was a figure, responding to the attack with two hits and a career led in five visits to the set. "We needed this win and we must try to win the remaining three games (against Colombia, Mexico and Panama) To get a medal (…) Thank God, everything went well, I focus on my game, to help the team, "said Sosa, center team player of the national team.

With this victory, Venezuela is still living its aspirations to the podium and this Wednesday, in prime time, will face the host Colombia.

Prensa IND


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