Venezuela protects the border: Diosdado


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The President of the National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, has recognized the mobilization of Venezuelan troops, planes and arms on the border with Colombia and stated that it was an obligation of his country because Colombia unprotected the border.

Diosdado said Colombia allows "paramilitary groups" "Venezuela is forced to move troops across its border because Venezuela protects its borders, it's not like Colombia that has the whole border without protection, "said Cabello.

the area between the two nations in a "territory that the paramilitaries must send and Bacrim groups (criminal gangs) to make and break with the people of Colombia," he added. 04] Given the concern of the Lima Group, for reports that show the mobilization of Venezuelan troops on the border with Colombia, Cabello said that the group spoke in this way because in the final declaration of the last meeting between Celac and the European Union "does not appear" the subject Venezuela "by nowhere."

"At this summit the Lima group took its subject Venezuela (but) in the final declaration Venezuela appears nowhere and then they are rehash

Crossing the border with Colombia

Venezuela and Colombia share a vast border of more than 2,200 kilometers, with level crossings that show reduced mobility after the closure of the Maduro government, measures last August to try to control the crime in the region, as he said at the time.

Despite the restrictions, at least 870,000 Venezuelans reside in Colombia to escape the severe economic crisis in the country with the greatest oil wealth on the planet, said today the Director General of Colombian Migration Christian Krüger Sarmiento

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