Via Bogotá – Villavicencio has been activated


The landslide that occurred on the afternoon of this Saturday, July 7, the kilometer 26 of the Bogotá-Villavicencio Highway caused the total closure of this important road corridor in the Although in this area "the collapse does not present alternative routes ", the concessionaire Coviandes staff has managed to remove the material and allow the pbadage by this road which remained closed by Three o'clock

The authorities, always present in the place, ask the travelers "to take care of the indications of the traffic police who is in the zone ".

Meanwhile, the closes on the Llano Road, which is registered at the top of the Pipiral and Chirajara area toll at kilometer 64 + 200 meters after the landslides and rock falls caused by the heavy rains of the last hours, was also activated.

Coviandes road dealer in charge of this section, stated that ] The personnel of the region carried out the cleaning work to allow the circulation of vehicles.

Closing of the celebration of the feast of the Virgin of Carmen

From 2:00 p. m and up to 4:00 p. m . there will be a partial closure on the road Sopó – Briceño during the realization of the Caravan in the honor of the Virgin of Carmen

The closures were authorized by the authorities of the department of Cundinamarca in Resolution 04270.

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