Vía Bogotá – Villavicencio: permanent closures due to the rain


The permanent fall of mud, earth and large stones at kilometer 64 maintains the closure of the road Bogotá Villavicencio.

Dealer Coviandes confirmed that despite the fact that clean-up work was done all night, mud and equipment continue to fall, for which reason it is not yet possible to allow pbadage.

continuous closures during this weekend due to bad weather carriers, travelers, locals and Meta authorities generally raised their protest voice and asked the national government to intervene immediately, so that asked the dealer a real solution to the state of the Llano road.

The governess in charge of the Meta, Maria Consuelo Rodríguez, issued a statement, warning that once again this department is affected "significantly" because of the difficulties that are repeated in kilometer 64 of the Llano road.

" Thousands of resident families, tourists and visitors, see their travel plans truncated because of the liability with which the road concessionaire Coviandes attacked this recurring problem " .

" Similarly, the permanent disinformation with which Coviandes manages the events that occur on the Llano road hampers reactions in time, and the answers we deserve as llaneros and users of the road corridor "the statement said in a separate note.

The incarcerated governor makes this new appeal " for to demand that Coviandes make a responsible and immediate use of all his labor and economic power to overcome this inconvenience clearly resolvable, that he has no only made victims in the past, but it paralyzed the development of an entire region that can not afford to be disconnected from the rest of the country . "

For its part the Meta Civic Committee is will meet Tuesday to send a strong statement to the National Agency of Infrastructure ANI, the Ministry of Transport and the new National Government, confirmed Luis Fernando Sánchez Florían president of this collective citizen.

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