Video: A Mutant Pig with a 'Human Face & # 39; – Viral born in China


Images and videos disseminated through social networks of this strange mutant pig to "human face & # 39; were recorded on June 28th, successfully impressing multiple users.

The animal was born in the Chinese city of Jiangmen According to The Mirror located in the southern province of Canton.

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Neighbors say this mysterious creature with scary human traits has barely survived a few days because that he could not breathe. In addition, they say that it was part of a larger litter and was the only deformed born.

The impressive video has become viral in social networks, where you can see this newborn make an effort to open and close his mouth, seemingly out of breath, yet does not generate sound.

The researchers who were able to prove the case, say that they still do not know the specific reasons for this strange mutation.

This is not the first case recorded in China mutant pigs, last year still another video of a pig that had only one eye and had an unusual appearance on his forehead, became viral on social networks.

Images of the creature have gone around the world, generating thousands of comments in users who are trying to solve the mystery after its strange appearance.

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