Video: One of the brightest minds in the country died in a tragic accident


One of the brightest minds of the country died

Fernando Sierra Maya, who was a brilliant Colombian entrepreneur, died this Sunday in Pereira. A businessman from Antioquia died at the age of 31 in a car accident after attending a wedding.

According to Telemedellín, Sierra went to town to attend a friend 's wedding on weekends.

At the end of the event, the Sierra went with some friends to the hotel where he was staying, on the road between Pereira and Cerrito

When he got out of his vehicle and went through the street, a vehicle overturned it.

The impact was such that the businessman was fired and found on the other side of the street. He died on the spot

The identity of the person responsible for this accident, which according to witnesses drove a white Audi vehicle, is unknown.

According to the signs, the vehicle was accelerating: the speed limit on the stretch of the accident is 30 km / h

The death of Fernando Sierra Maya was deplored by several economic and political leaders of the country .

Her funeral will be held in the capital of Antioquia on Wednesday.

Message from the Mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez:

We are losing a great human being and a great leader. We are saddened by the departure of Fernando Sierra Maya. A hug for your family and friends.

– Federico Gutiérrez (@FicoGutierrez) 31 July 2018

According to the economic newspaper La República Fernando Sierra Maya was member of several groups

Sierra would have invested in consulting projects, taking advantage of technology startups and blockchain and Bitcoin resources.

More news from Colombia here

One of the brightest minds in the country is dead

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