Videos of the avalanche in San Gil that devastated with cars


The boy, explained Ramirez, was training when the wall spilled him. According to Ramírez, the child died of head trauma. Another 20 minors were transferred to social welfare centers with minor injuries. He also said that the floods of water in the streets of San Gil damaged 20 vehicles and five motorcycles .

The director of risk management in Santander also said that the road from the municipality leads to Bucaramanga was closed until the end of the emergency. A similar situation, he explained, was experienced two months ago.

The Mayor of San Gil, Ariel Rojas badured that they had never experienced anything like this. In addition, 51 houses were affected. The President took the opportunity to say that the municipality does not have the resources to handle an emergency of these features. Recently it was reported that in Bucaramanga it rained in 45 minutes, which had to rain 10 days in a row.

"We have no antecedent of this nature, the municipality does not have resources to cope with the urgency, there is no course "said Mayor Rojas.

The most impressive videos of the emergency were published, through social networks, by Ramón Ramírez and by Colonel Jaime Escobar commander of the police in Santander.

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