Violence in Nicaragua leaves dialogue on the verge of rupture



The resurgence of violence in Nicaragua, which has killed at least 14 people this weekend, is about to break off the dialogue to resolve the crisis that leaves some 250 dead [19459004Inthreemonthsofprotestationscontrolpresident Daniel Ortega

Violent clashes and riots against opposition protesters took place on Sunday in the cities of Jinotepe and Diriamba (southwest), a day after Ortega.

The Catholic Church, which mediates between the government and the opposition The Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy proposed to advance the elections of 2021 to March 2019 to get out of the turbulence that has enveloped the country since the protests erupted on April 18.

But after Ortega's statement and Sunday's bloodshed, the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference (CEN ) warned that she "seriously values ​​the continuation of the dialogue, "which has been suspended three times since it began in mid-May.

"What is the point of continuing the dialogue if the streets continue? fill with blood, "said Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, President of CEN.

For the Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, Silvio Báez you can not negotiate with" the representatives of A government that he lies, does not accept his responsibility and continues to attack and mbadacre the population. "

The Bishops called the parties to the negotiating table on Monday in the Verification and Security Committees and the Electoral Commission, but on Sunday afternoon they announced that only the first will work.

Civilians, armed with black hoods and heavily armed, entered Jinotepe and Diriamba on Sunday with the police, overthrowing barricades that had been raised by the opposition, provoking heavy gunfire, according to Witnesses and human rights groups The President of the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh), Vilma Núñez, told AFP that there were "at least 14 dead" of which about four members of the Ortega forces and the rest

Police attributed the death of two of its members – of the four killed in the combined forces of the government – to "Terrorists armed with firearms Who were on the barricades.

Mechanical shovels dismantled the barricades they cleared the roads so that more than 350 Central American cargo vans stuck for more than a month on the blocked Jinotepe Highway could circulate.

The incursions to Diria mba, to 45 km from Managua, and Jinotepe, to 40 km, also leave dozens wounded and about twenty inmates.

"Terrifying weekend in Nicaragua", the director of Twitter wrote on Twitter. Human Rights Watch's Americas, José Miguel Vivanco, who claimed to have allegations of arbitrary arrests.

At the weekend, violent actions also took place in the cities of Juigalpa (center), León (west) and Matagalpa (north). According to human rights groups, at least one person has died.

"The violence has intensified and we have seen the use of paramilitary groups, armed groups acting under the police presence in the repression," said the executive secretary of the commission. Interamerican of Human Rights (1945-19003) Paulo Abrao, before leaving Managua

The trigger of the protests was a reform of the social security, but they spread after the government repression and now the opponents are demanding the departure of Ortega, whom they accuse to establish with his wife Rosario Murillo a dictatorship marked by corruption and nepotism

Before thousands of followers in Managua, Ortega a 72-year-old former guerrilla who had been governing since 2007 for the third consecutive time, dismissed the elections on Saturday.

"The rules can not come and change them overnight just because they appeared to a group of putschists," said the president, who reappeared

Church would continue to bet on dialogue, but blamed the government for "breaking it" for "not wanting to find a peaceful solution to this crisis that they themselves provoked

To raise the pressure, the Civic Alliance called for a march next Thursday and a national strike on July 13, the second convened in the crisis, after that of June 14 with

But the government is preparing a cons -offensive with the mbadive celebration – to date not yet revealed – of a pre-anniversary anniversary of the 39th anniversary of the revolution that is celebrated on July 19, 1945 .The president calls the demonstrators "coup d'etat". extreme right "and to be" bruised ers "and" criminals "who have chaos in the country.

You may be interested: The church badesses whether it will continue to negotiate the dialogue

The recrudescence of the viol In Nicaragua, which has killed at least 14 people this weekend, it is on the verge of break the dialogue to resolve the crisis that killed some 250 people in nearly three months of protests against President Daniel Ortega

. Anti-riot and paramilitary rally against opposition protesters occurred Sunday in the cities of Jinotepe and Diriamba (southwest), a day after Ortega ruled out the election run.

The Catholic Church, which mediates between the government and Justice and Democracy, has proposed to advance the elections from 2021 to March 2019 in order to get out of the turmoil surrounding the country since the demonstrations of 18 April.

But after Ortega's statement and the facts of Sunday's blood, the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference (CEN) warned that it "seriously values ​​the continuation of the dialogue" that has been suspended three times since It was in mid-May

"What is the point of continuing the dialogue, if the streets continue to be filled with blood," said Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, president of CEN

for the 39, Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, Silvio Báez, you can not negotiate with "representatives of a government that lies, who does not accept responsibility and continues to attack and mbadacre the population. "

The bishops called the parties at the bargaining table on Monday in the audit and security committees, and the election. But Sunday afternoon they announced that only the first will work

– "Terrifying" –
Men in civilian clothes, with black hoods and heavily armed, entered Sunday to the police in Jinotepe and Diriamba in the process of Demolishing barricades According to witnesses and human rights groups, opponents have produced heavy fire.

Vilma Núñez, president of the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh), said Sunday that "at least 14 dead" about four members of the Ortega forces and the rest of the country. opposition.

Police attributed the deaths of two of its members – four killed in the combined forces of the government – to "terrorists with guns" who were in barricades

Mechanical shovels dismantled barricades and cleared the roads for more than 350 Central American cargo vans that had been stranded for more than a month in the Jinotepe Locked Road

The incursions at Diriamba, 45 km from Managua, and at Jinotepe, 40 km, also dozens wounded and about twenty inmates

"terrifying weekend in Nicaragua", wrote on Twitter, the director of the Americas of Human Rights Watch, José Miguel Vivanco, who said to have allegations arbitrary arrests.

The weekend also saw violent actions in the cities of Juigalpa (center), León (west) and Matagalpa. (north), where at least one person died, according to human rights groups

"Violence has escalated.We have observed the use of paramilitary groups, armed groups that act under the police presence in the crackdown, "said the executive secretary of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR), Paulo Abrao, before leaving Managua. 19659004] – Counter-offensive –
The trigger of the protests was a social security reform, but they spread after the government repression and now the opponents demand the departure of Ortega, whom they accuse of With his wife Rosario Murillo established a dictatorship marked by corruption and nepotism

Faced with thousands of followers in Managua, Ortega, a 72-year-old former guerrilla who has ruled since 2007 for the third consecutive time, ruled to advance Saturday

. change them overnight just because it hit a group of coup leaders, "said the president, who reappeared after more than a month of not being released in public. [196] 59004] Báez warned that the church would continue to dialogue, but blamed the government "it breaks" for "not wanting to find a peaceful solution to this crisis that they have themselves. "

To increase the pressure, the Civic Alliance called a march next Thursday and a national strike on July 13, the second convened in the crisis, after a June 14 with a big welcome employers and workers.

But the government is preparing a counteroffensive with the Mbadive Celebration – to date not yet revealed – of a pre-anniversary anniversary of the 39th anniversary of the revolution that is celebrated on July 19

President calls protesters "c far right wing "and being" murderers "and" criminals "who have chaos in the country.

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