Violence leaves about 400 displaced people in Comuna 13


For fear of constant shooting between criminal groups, 360 people moved from Comuna 13 of Medellín between May and June of this year, confirmed the Personería. In a 70 percent increase in homicides in this area of ​​western Medellín, which scares the community.

The human rights representative, Juan Fernando Gómez, confirmed that in total they received 140 statements, related to the situation of public order and criminal threats. He confirmed that the struggle for control of territory, illegal rents and drug trafficking makes it difficult to live together in Commune 13.

" The Personality received 140 statements that boil down to 360 people that in the last two months had to leave Comuna 13 in Medellín, which means a systematic violation of the human rights of the community in the area . "

meanwhile, families who left their homes for fear to be in the middle of crossfire, served by the humanitarian route of the Personería, said the human rights delegate, Juan Fernando Gómez, who has reiterated that they are offered staying in shelters and food. 19659002] Social leaders in the area denounced that armed groups had declared a "curfew" that prevents them from leaving homes after 10:00 pm. Last Sunday, there are shots in the area and cries of warning of criminal structures.

– What do social leaders say? –

Since last Sunday, one hears blows in the sector and cries with the warnings of the criminal structures. The human rights defender, James Zuluaga, explained that offenders would enter homes in search of young people who would join other armed groups.

According to the chief, the inhabitants of the Commune 13 Serious complaints about alleged police links with criminals in the area. He said that in the middle of the shootings, residents had sought the help of security forces without getting any support during the clashes.

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