Warning! Learn to install Google Gboard Morse Keyboard on iPhone


Google announced that the Gboard Smart Keyboard app will now support Morse code so that people can, faster, use the dots (.) And dashes (-) that form the basis of this method of telegraphic communication.

This system was developed in 1830, the Morse code uses dashes and dots to represent each letter and number.

With this system, you can better communicate was what led to the developer Google, Tania Finlayson, who he suffers from this psychomotor development disorder, learns Morse code and wants others in a similar situation to do so .

Finlayson said in the blog published by Google on Wednesday that he helped design the Morse code keyboard for Gboard can be used instead of the QWERTY keyboard.

In addition, she and her husband also developed a device using Arduino that can be incorporated into an Android device for people who can use the keypad.

"I'm excited to see that what people are developing integrates Morse code, whether it's a keyboard like Gboard, a game or an educational application, the possibilities are endless",

He added: "Develop Communication tools like this are important because for many people it makes their lives easier. "

How to install the keyboard?

1. The obvious first step is to download the application from the AppStore store.

2. Once you have it installed, if you open it, the same application will ask you to configure it as the default system keyboard, which will replace the original iOS keyboard.

3. By pressing "Start", the phone will direct you to the settings of the Gboard application. Among its three options, we will go to the one that says "Keyboards".

4. In the "Keyboards" it will be necessary to leave "Gboard" activated, which by default appears deactivated.

5. When you have done so, a new option "Allow Full Access" will appear: you must also enable it for Gboard to work.

6. With the current application, it is necessary to enter the languages ​​with which you usually write.

7. Of those you want to enter (at most, three at a time), you can also find the Morse code. Touch it to install it.

8. To navigate between the different languages ​​you have installed until you find the Morse code, you have to touch the globe symbol again until you find the "point and point" interface. line »clbadic code. You can now write Morse from your iPhone.


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