Warning! Tremor was introduced in Colombia a few minutes ago


Citizens reported a strong earthquake in Colombia today Friday, July 6:

A violent earthquake was felt in much of the country, with the epicenter recorded in Huila .

The earthquake was felt in Valle del Cauca, Bogotá and Tolima

Up to now, no damage or damage has been recorded. The users of social networks were frightened by the telluric movement that lasted a few seconds

Here is the bulletin on the earthquake in Colombia today, Friday 07 July:

A violent earthquake was felt in the department of Huila, where users report feeling a telluric movement in several areas of the Valley, such as Cali, Palmira and Túlua.

# We report Seismic Event – Update Bulletin 1, 2018-07-06, 07:19 local time. Magnitude 4.5, shallow depth, Nevado del Huila volcano # Developing news More information: https: // goo.gl/kuPqzX

#Reportamos Seismic Event – Newsletter Updated 1, 2018-07-06, 19:19 local time. Magnitude 4.5, Depth of Surface, Volcano Nevado del Huila #NoticiaEnDesarrollo More information: https://t.co/0uuw47gI8w pic.twitter.com/BtbhdOdXKy

– Service geological (@sgcol) 7 July 2018

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