Washington accuses Daniel Ortega of crisis in Nicaragua – Latin America – International


In an official note, the White House said Monday that Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, "are ultimately responsible for pro-government vigilante groups who have brutalized" [19659002] And it is that the violent crackdown by the President's government against the Nicaraguan people has already caused some 350 deaths since the anti-government demonstrations began on April 18.

C & # 39; is the first time that the United States directly and nominally accuses the current president and his wife of the situation in Nicaragua, and thus defend the anticipation of the presidential elections scheduled for 2021.

" The United States United are on the side of the Nicaraguan people, including members of the Sandinista Front, who call for democratic reforms and the end of violence " said the White House, referring to the Sandinista National Front of Liberation (FSLN).

For the US government, the celebration of "free, fair and transparent elections is the only way to restore democracy in Nicaragua".

In the document, the White House also reviewed the measures adopted in this regard, particularly the sanctioning of three Nicaraguan officials a step which considered "the beginning, not the end, of potential sanctions "

According to the United States, with these measures, the government" demonstrates that it will hold Ortega government officials accountable for their acts, which allow violence and steal Nicaraguans. "

In addition, Washington has revoked or restricted the granting of visas to the Nicaraguan authorities who have had some connection with the suppression of demonstrations or acts of violence.

Last week, Vice President Mike Pence had already asked Ortega to put an end to the violence in Nicaragua that he considered "sponsored by the state" .

The United States is on the side of the citizens of Nicaragua, including members of the Sandinista Front, calling for democratic reforms and an end to violence.

On his side, the UN spokesman, Farhan Haq, said yesterday that the entity was discussing the possibility of taking in the mediation efforts and put an end to the crisis that exists in Nicaragua. In addition, the official said that the UN General Secretariat is holding talks to this end, including contacts with the representation of Nicaragua before the organization. " We discuss the issue and see what we can do to help ," Haq said at his daily press conference.

The spokesman explained that although these talks are not over, he can not give details on the kind of role that the UN could badume.


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