Watch Pamela Anderson at the 2018 World Cup in Russia to cheer for her boyfriend!


Pamela Anderson the former bunny of Playboy decided to run for the match last Tuesday against the French National Team Belgium to ] St. Petersburg Russia

Anderson, 51, has secretly arrived in Russia to see his current boyfriend, the French football player Adil Rami 32 years old. Surprisingly, she was represented in a hall VIP of the stadium Zenit Arena where were also the French president Emmanuel Macron and the royal family of Qatar

According to several reports in the local press, the star of " Baywatch " wore a diamond ring " Cartier " that her partner gave her, and she was very happy in In addition, it is expected that he will announce in the coming days his commitment to the defender of Olympique de Marseille who will play the final of the World Cup next Sunday in […] Moscow Russia

Finally, far from the press at the present time, the old American model is devoted to the fight against the causes related to the rights of animals, to the rights of the human and environmental problems.

Look at the photos of Pamela Anderson at Enter Adil Rummy!

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