Water Cups for this Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th July in Bogotá


– Here are the sectors that suspended the water service on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 July in the capital of the Republic for the maintenance and rehabilitation of networks, the installation of pipelines in road works and new dwellings,

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


The Cabrera
From 87th Street to 72nd Street, between Race 7 and Race 9.
09: 00 a. m. 24 hours
Corrective Maintenance


Quintas of Laguna, Laguna Reserves, Nebula of San Andres and Maranatha.
From 6th Street to 6th Street, between Carrera 4 (Autopista Sur) to Section 7 (via Indumil).
10:00 a. m. 24 hours
Maintenance of the Pressure Reduction Station

Wednesday, June 4, 2018


The Cabaña, Doña Liliana, The Esperanza Sur and The Flora.
From 76 South Street 85 South Street, between Carrera 6C East and Carrera 16 East.
08:00 a. m. 4 pm
Tie Aqueduct Network

Antonio Nariño

Restrepo and Western Restrepo
From Race 14 to Race 24, between 3rd Street South and 22nd Street South
10:00 a. m. 24 hours
Tie Aqueduct Network

Puente Aranda

Santa Matilde, Bochica and Asuncion
From Quarry 30 to Race 36, between 2nd Street and 8th Street South
00 a. m. 24 hours
Deviation from the network

Battalion Caldas
From Race 46 to Race 50, between 22nd Street and Avenida Américas.
10:00 a. m. 24 hours
Totalization of the installation


From 53rd Street to 45th Street, between Race 1 and Race 7.
09:00 a. m. 24 hours
Network of tie aqueduct


Gaitana, The Carolina of Suba, El Rincon, Bilbao, Berlin, San Pedro, Suba Prairie, Campanella, Thuringia, Antonio Granados, Bamba River, Villa Elisa, Costa Rica, El Rincón Sur, El Rincón de Suba, San Cayetano, El Rincón Norte, Las Flores, San Jorge, Suba Salitre, Villa Hermosa, Tuna Baja, Lombardy Pines, Lombardy, Puerta del Sol, The Poa, Villa Maria, Costa Azul, Aurès, Aures 2, Suba Lake, Nueva Tibabuyes, Tibabuyes Universal, Tibabuyes, Sabana de Tibabuyes, Rincón de Santa Inés, Tibabuyes 2, Tibabuyes Occidental, San Pedro, Santa Rita de Suba, Lisbon, Campiña, Santa Cecilia, Tuscany, almond trees, Monarchs, Alaska, London, Parques del Campo, Les Porches, Share, Imperial Center, Tibabuyes Service Center, San Pedro Claver District Hospital, Knee Clinic and El Shombro, Gaitana cama, Cafam Suba hospital, Suba hospital, Suba cama, Clinic d Juan N Corpas Hospital, La Gaitana Street, El Rincon Street and Bilbao Medical Center.

From Quarry 91 to Quarry 160, between 126A Street and 170 Street.
09:00 a. m. 30 hours
Cut and tie Rincón Line


El Chicó, Chicó Norte and Chicó Norte 2.
From 92nd Street to 100th Street, between Race 7 and Race 11.
] 10:00 a. m. 24 hours
Tie aqueduct network

Caballería school
From calle 100 to calle 108, between carrera 7.
10:00 a. m. 24 hours
Totalization of the installation

In relation

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