Waze, the smart way to travel


This holiday season, Waze, the world's leading mobility and traffic platform, will help drivers safely take different roads in Colombia; with a community that constantly informs the state in real time of different routes.

Right now, Colombians are taking advantage of the opportunity to travel to different destinations seeking to escape the routine in an intelligent way, using technological platforms such as Waze. Beyond driving the driver and his companions to a final destination, he offers an experience that covers fun, savings, knowledge, among other benefits.

"Thanks to the reports that the Wazers make, it is possible to ensure that the knowledge of routes and avoid possible traffic knots, which improves the handling conditions in this holiday season. This is so that the contributions of users and allies of the application will make the experience of discovering the country by road much more comfortable and safe, "said Rodrigo Cortés, Country Manager of Waze for Colombia

. platform, Waze continues to win the participation of drivers, pbadengers and all those who want to make mobility, something easier, thanks to the different functions available to their wazers:

In this holiday season l & # 39, entry and exit The cities and some roads of the country have unexpected changes in the traffic flow, avoid traffic jams and select the best time to start your trip through the scheduled travel function, simply select the following. time and day when you want to reach your destination. ready! you will receive an alert that will notify you when you leave the house.

When you go out on the road during these holidays, no forecast is less, turn on the lights of your vehicle until you remember the speed limits, with Waze you you'll be calmer your way With these features, you can avoid fines, accidents and setbacks in cities or when traveling by car.

With gas price alerts, you save money thanks to the information shared by the community. You can save on your holidays by enjoying your holidays.

Discovering half of the trip you left something you need for your vacation at home or by car is a very bad experience, thanks to the Waze Child Recall feature will remind you of these details so that you do not suffer of these forgetfulnesses.

Thanks to the integration with Spotify, you can give your trip a touch of fun with your favorite music without going from one screen to the other.

Waze The pioneer of social navigation, more than a GPS service, is a pbadionate global community that, taking advantage of the technology made available to you by the application, they break a culture of collaboration between citizens, local authorities and the different allies to generate together a shared value for the mobility of their cities.

Regardless of the type of conditions that come up, Waze has features that will not only give you the best driving option, but they will give you an excellent driving experience and you can contribute with your alerts. If you are not yet part of the community of this app, go to waze.com and download the app for free, or on the App Store or Google Play, to contribute with your grain of sand for the improvement of our planet. 19659012] (function (d, s, id) {
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