We are united by the passion for freedom


The anger of the Creoles created what New Granada was going to do, because behind the cry of independence many settlers had the strength to face the Spanish yoke with what ended August 7, with the Battle of Boyacá So the new tradition to Colombians

Girardot, through the parade celebrates the freedom for which many patriots fought between 1808 and 1810 where they began to unleash the chains of the # 39; slavery. In Santa Fe province, a council of notables has been created, composed of civil authorities and creole intellectuals. These began to hold successive meetings in the homes of the members and then to the astronomical observatory, whose director was Francisco José de Caldas, the main representatives of the Creole oligarchy were: José Miguel Pey, Camilo Torres, Acevedo Gómez, Joaquín Camacho, Jorge Tadeo Lozano and Antonio Morales, among others. "Indians, whites, patricians, plebeians, rich and poor began to break the stained glbad windows and force the doors.The viceroy, the military authorities and the Spaniards watched with astonishment this sudden and violent awakening of a people "(Colombia.com)


As usual, the city of Acacias celebrated in addition to high this national event, because through 39 a parade schools, armed forces and various entities participate in the commemoration of history and freedom. This is why today, July 20, the streets of the municipality are dressed in patriotic colors, with the Mayor of the municipality César Fabián Villalba, led the parade that began at SENA and s 39; is completed in Simón Bolívar Park with cultural events through commemoration. These activities should be accompanied by the population, because with this event, we expect all children to celebrate this day. The youngest will be the protagonists of this day, because with their uniforms well put, the colors mixed in the middle of the crowd will make goosebumps infect the community, because in this way patriotism is encouraged something that lacks civil society and therefore , recover the respect of the national symbols. Melgar Melgar will also be present in this parade, because with the accompaniment of the Colombian armed forces, they will carry the streets of the city in glory, thus rectifying the importance that the authorities had to build a fair country, because Colombia deserves to be celebrated. all possible paths because its fauna, flora, people and food give it strong roots and that Policarpa Salavarrieta's struggle has not been in vain for a freedom that continues to be fought.


This part of the Alto de Magdalena, will also join its educational institutions for the commemoration of July 20, because in this way many people present will have the opportunity to attend the event. opportunity to celebrate the cry of independence. The parade will be led by the president of the rich people of Peru, with the aim of showing the equality that makes the Colombians and the union for the holidays given by the vase of Llorente. The City Hall, through the Force Publique, hopes to provide the necessary security for the spectators and participants of the parade, because in this way a good development of the celebration is guaranteed.

Agua de Dios [19659002] Yanith Mora, mayor, will celebrate with a grand parade the day of independence and even more, when one of the greatest characters in history Colombian gave one of the words of encouragement to the lazaretto that the municipality was. High Magdalena will be dressed in yellow, blue and red, in this way the green of the authorities will be mixed with the celebration of compatriots, remember the struggle that the Creoles had to live in the Spanish yoke. [19659002] Tocaima

The municipality of Tocaima, also dressed in celebration, because the inhabitants came out with the flag in synonym of celebration leaving aside the differences and joining for the freedom of the country, with acts Folkloric spectators received the 20th of July with joy. In the streets a big agglomeration is expected, because in this way it is expected that the tocaimunos accompany the president who will lead this day. The institutions and different authorities have the task of ensuring security and to make this celebration live in all the splendor of what is Colombia.


Simón Bolívar, Camilo Torres, José María Carbonell, Antonio Nariño, Jorge Tadeo Lozano, José Miguel Pey, José Celestino Mutis, José González Llorente and others, wrote what is celebrated today 39; hui. The act of independence has a significant weight in history because many independence cry participants have had the courage that many feared not to be shot at in the public square , as happened to the Policarpa.

"On July 20, as in all movements that took place in the rest of the continent, the Creoles moved the Spaniards from command, but without claiming the independence of Spain, although the facts and the role played, both by the Freemasonry as by the economic societies of the country's friends, the theories of American independence and the French Revolution, and the training of leaders in the Royal Botanical Expedition of the Kingdom, as the same reaction of the Spanish crown, forced to declare the absolute independence "(Source banrepcultural).

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