We live in a fato diet without respect for people


The bishops of the Venezuelan Bishops' Conference stated that the country has a de facto regime that violates the minimum guarantees of the Constitution and the most basic principles of citizens.

Yesterday, the episcopate concluded the Plenary Ordinary Plenary CX of the CEV, which was focused on the situation that keeps Venezuelans in anguish and suffering. They reiterated that the role of the Church is not and will not replace those who know and manage politics. However, they expressed concerns about the country's political problems, as well as the diaspora and the death of Venezuelans.

The archdiocese criticized the public policies that President Nicolás Maduro used, which he said deteriorated the quality of life "The main cause of the crisis we are going through is the government, which wants to impose at all costs his political project, his disregard for productive activity, for private property, "says the pastoral exhortation. "Do not be afraid, I am with you," they said.

Monsignor Manuel Felipe Díaz, Archbishop of Calabozo, said that the government appeared before Venezuelans as a victim of internal and external management which, according to the Church. confession of inability to manage the country. "You can not pretend to solve the food problem with vouchers and bonuses," he said.

In the statement, they referred to the presidential elections of May 20, which they described as illegitimate. They said the "very high abstention" was a "silent message of rejection, directed against those who seek to impose a totalitarian ideology against the opinion of the majority of the population."

From the headquarters of the CEV in Caracas, they reported that Executive, "the illegitimate National Assembly" and the National Electoral Council seek to violate the freedom of the people to elect their leaders in just election competition.

"Ignoring the people, reducing this concept to a political bias, are temptations of totalitarian regimes that always end up despising the dignity of the human being," said the bishops.

The Prelate called on civil society and parties to demand the return of sovereign power through consultative referendum, demonstrations or other mechanisms established in the Constitution.

"We urge the Armed Forces to remain faithful to their oath before and the country to defend the Constitution and democracy, and not be swept away by political and ideological bias, "said Bishop Juan Carlos Bravo Salazar, bishop of the diocese of Acarigua

.The Church does not encourage the desire for revenge or retaliation, but it does not promote impunity for crimes that threaten life, human dignity and fundamental rights.

Do not be silent. At the time when the press conference was to begin to inform about the findings of the episcopal badembly, Father Lenín Bastidas, pastor of the Church of Our Lady of Solitude in Anzoátegui, interrupted and asked the bishops more energetically before the situation in the country.

The priest, who walked in 2016 from the east to the capital with the mission of inspiring other Catholics to fight before the country's dire situation, asked ecclesiastical representatives not to not be silent in the face of the country's crisis or against "corrupt" politicians.

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