What comes for General Torres Escalante in the PEC – Peace Process – Politics


The case by the so-called "false positives" attributed to General Henry William Torres Escalante, who this Tuesday at the first hearing of a soldier in the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) confirmed his commitment to speak the truth notwithstanding declare innocent, will pbad into the hands of the House of Recognition of the Truth of this special justice.

The procedural diligence, planned by EL TIEMPO this Sunday, was carried out by the Juridical Situations Definition Room of the JEP, specialized in the cases of members of the Public Force, before which Torres Escalante subscribed the file of submission to this jurisdiction Transitional

With the procedure, the 55-year-old general, who was deprived of liberty for about 28 months and is currently detained in the northern canton of Bogotá, reaffirmed the commitments he made on July 21 , such as addresses any request made by this justice designed in the peace agreement to clarify serious crimes committed during the conflict.

After signing this document, General Torres Escalante stated that he was appearing at the JEP because the ordinary justice system did not "give him guarantees" and asked for "the equitable and differentiated treatment promised to the soldiers in question. public and private ". .

"I already emphasize my commitment to contribute to the truth about the facts of death, but that does not imply a confession. I did not cause or order any of the the dead are imputed to me, "says Torres Escalante

The general is linked to several homicides committed on a protected person (" false positives ") and to cover other officers involved in them when he was commander of the XVI Brigade in Casanare, from December 2005 to July 2007.

The most advanced trial for which he is accused has to do with the murders of Daniel Torres and his son Roque, two peasants of the same year. Aguazul, who were presented in 2007 as guerrillas released in combat.

Although the general anticipated that he would not accept any charge, he would have to formally declare it in front of the Truth Recognition Room. , considered the gateway to the Court for Peace.

Mónica Cifuentes, lawyer before the PEC, explained that once this happens the "accusatory" phase will be opened, that is to say the stage of the trial in which Torres will be matched by the Investigation and Prosecution Unit which will serve as prosecutor before the justice of the peace.

For his part, Fernando Rodríguez, representative of the Torres family, said that he "is not surprised" that the general does not acknowledge his responsibility and hopes that the court will be "clean". agreement with the victims "in accordance with the evidence that wisely compiled the prosecutor's office".

Attorney General Jaime Granados, who delivered at the request of the Chamber two files and a CD containing information on the judicial proceedings against Torres, insisted that "the General is aware that the troops under his command, they committed the crimes and that is why it is their duty to apologize to the victims and contribute to the truth, but this does not imply to recognize responsibility for what is not guilty. "

Torres Escalante, although he baderted that the behaviors attributed to him were committed by the brigade that he commanded his unknowingly, is excused from the victims.

If the general acknowledges the responsibility before the conviction – to agree with the agreement in Havana – will be deprived of liberty between 5 and 8 years, and if he is defeated before the court will be punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

Commitments Acquired

To collaborate with the CEP and to repair the victims

To address the calls of the Integral System of the Victims and to contribute to the truth and the repair of the victims.

Inform all your movements

Report any change of residence immediately and, if necessary, request permission from the CEP to leave the country.

Complying with the Conditionality Regime

Failure to comply with the commitments or flight result in loss of benefits, including confinement in a military unit.

The Commission requests access to FF files. MM

The Truth Commission, presided over by Father Francisco de Roux, requested access to the databases, even reserved, to the Ministry of Defense to fulfill its task of clarifying what was spent in the conflict. The request is dated June 13th.

Twitter: @pazELTIEMPO

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