What did the leaders and political leaders say after the mayor's resignation? The Chronicle of Quindío


The wife of the now exmandatario, the mayor in charge of Armenia, the Armenian council and political leaders spoke.

  What did the leaders and political leaders say after the mayor's resignation?

After the resignation of the Mayor of Armenia, Carlos Mario Álvarez Morales, THE CHRONICLE asked leaders, social leaders and citizens their opinion on the issue and any atypical elections

In the context: The Mayor of Armenia, Carlos Mario Álvarez, resigned from his post

Luz Patricia Loaiza, wife of Álvarez Morales

"In an act of responsibility and which shows his love for this city , my husband Carlos Mario Álvarez Morales took the decision to resign as mayor with the intention that it be the people who chooses his successor. "

We ask the governor to accept the irrevocable resignation for that the whole procedure be initiated to call for atypical elections, that is to say citizenship, at the polls, which will choose the next local president for the almost 2 years that remain one of this administrative period. We want to thank, in a special way, the more than 70,000 citizens who have expressed their trust. We believe in Colombian justice and, in law, we will demonstrate the innocence of my husband. "

Álvaro Arias Young, Mayor in charge of Armenia

The president in charge of the city said that the proposed agenda since his arrival will not be changed." Progress has been carried out in important meetings to define lines of action in the urgent issues of the city. We are waiting for the departmental government to release the guidelines in that regard. "

Daniel Gómez, social leader

" With the resignation of the mayor in the terms dictated by law, we ask in the best sense, your governor, to accept and call elections for a new President of Armenia peremptorily. In his hands is the ball and how he wants to play. If it plays in the hands of the political group that has ruled for 30 years and has led our city to the disaster of valorization, or if on the contrary it accepts with gallantry and transparency, it must be the citizens who choose a new leader. 19659004] Recommended: Debate valuation will take place on July 4 at the Council of Armenia

Fernando Borda, Dean of the Jurisprudence Faculty of the Autonomous University of the Caribbean

"In the decree on the new elections and while the new president badumes, the governor appoints an acting mayor from a shortlist that sends the same party, movement or political group that has registered the separate officer of the post. mayor is less than 18 months from the end of his term, the governor must appoint an acting mayor for the remainder of the term, respecting the list sent by the party, movement or political group of the mayor that generated Absolute lack It must be specified that the mayor is separated from the post office once the respective decision that orders him is notified and executed, because he retired earlier, he will be dismissed and s sanctioned for this fact. "

See also: " Contracts for evaluation have not been suspended due to political decisions ": Andrés Quiceno

Julián Bedoya, representative at the Liberal Party House

"In Armenia, citizens demand a democratic election and not demand transparent elections and it is our duty to support them.

Communiqué of the Council of Armenia

"By a proposal presented and approved by a majority in the corporation the morning of Friday, June 29, 2018, the organization has manifested in the following manner before the resignation presented by the mayor of the capital to the governor of Quindío. To ask Governor Carlos Eduardo Osorio Buriticá, with restraint and respect, to study with imperative character and to accept the resignation made the previous day by the Mayor Carlos Mario Álvarez Morales and, as soon as possible, to give the answer to the interested party the city in general. The above, in the context of the Constitution in its article 3, where it is determined that: "When the resignation is submitted before 18 months to end the constitutional period, the elections must be called ……" What councilors say has approved the proposal is appropriate because it will be the people who will democratically choose the mayor to complete the current period. The urgency of this response becomes necessary to ensure that citizens and relevant bodies have the clarity of the steps to follow, in time adjusted to the law and standards, for them to begin to perform.

The proposal also states that the president of the Quindians is expected to have an answer to the interests of citizenship and the existing need for Armenians to define their immediate future and to chart the path through which they must travel. our Armenia in the context of the problem that surrounds it today. "

Recommended: 35% of citizens have already paid 100% of the badessment contribution

Citizens' Opinion

THE CHRONICLE He also consulted Armenian residents about the resignation by Carlos Mario Álvarez Morales Opinions are divided

Luz Estela Murillo: "It seems very sad that I have resigned. It's a shame that he's gone without giving the fight. He was a good mayor, despite all that was said about him, I believe in his innocence. You can see that he is a transparent and capable person. "

Mateo Ramos: " The truth is that the Lord has been seen wanting to move the city forward, but I think that it's a good thing. he did not succeed in selling the soul to the devil. "

Eduardo Rios: " As you know, you made the mistake, so that That's why you're moving away. This leaves a lot to think about and even more if you keep in mind that with resignation you do not think of the citizens, because how much does it cost to make choices. "

Manuel López: "He was very responsible for what he did. I do not think he's gone out because he's guilty, but he understood that if he did not submit his letter of resignation, he would hurt the city by leaving Luz Piedad Valencia, leader of the liberal party in Armenia, appoint a new mayor.

Edelmiro Monroy: "Obviously, this is part of a political play.He knows that resign wounded former mayor Luz Piedad Valencia Franco because his party no longer presents tripartite. He knew how to do it and very well. "

Counselors' Opinions

Councilor Rodrigo Alberto Castrillón, a Liberal Party lobbyist, indicated that he could not make any statements because he was sick. On the other hand, the company Diego Fernando Carmona explained that it would be outside the country. Counselors Javier Andrés Angulo and Stefanny Gómez said that the company issued a press release referring to the case.

Among the other members of the council: Briam Naranjo, Luis Guillermo Agudelo, Jhonny Vargas, Carlos Alberto Hurtado, Diego Torres Vizcaino, Jhon Fredy Cerón and Álvaro Jiménez, no answer was obtained.

Julián Andrés Acosta

"I think the mayor is acting with the responsibility of not leaving the city in the uncertainty of the person who will guide the course of the municipality until that that its situation be defined, whatever happens here the election or appointment of the new mayor depends on what the governor considers best for the city or interests that may be involved in it process. "

Drafting Committee
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