What does Egan Bernal think of winning the Tour one day?


In an interview with AFP, Bernal says he's just trying to "enjoy the bike" without thinking that he's on the tour.

The two directors and Dave Brailsford, his manager at Sky; runners, like his partner Geraint Thomas, yellow jersey of the current Tour; or ex-cyclists like the Spanish Alberto Contador, place him as a potential winner in the future of the Tour de France.

Question: What do you think when so many people talk about Egan Bernal as the future winner of the Tour de France?

Answer: Not much, really. These are compliments. These are things that are said, but it's hard to know. The Tour is the largest and most important race in the world, so we can not say that a person can win the Tour de France. Too many things influence and you can not say it.

Q: But does he dream of winning the Tour de France one day?

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R: It can not be said in the press. I can not say that I dream of winning the Tour de France. It's something that all cyclists want, it's a dream that all cyclists have, but one thing is to dream it up and another is to believe that we can really do it. It is very difficult to win the Tour de France. I'm only 21 years old. I just want to learn and learn and then see if you can win or not.

Q: Dave Brailsford, the manager of the Sky team, emphasized the mental strength that he has with 21 years of coping responsibilities in a test with as much of pressure than the Tour. Where does this mental strength come from?

R: I do not know if this is transmitted by genetics. I'm trying to be calm. It's cycling. It does not stop riding. It's your job, but it's also cycling. I do what I like. I ride a bike and I like it. I think that's the key. Be here on the Tour and like to ride a bike as I did when I was a kid.

Q: Is the generational change in Colombian cycling safe with young people like Daniel Martínez Poveda and Egan Bernal? 19659002] R: With us and many other brokers who will come in the future. In Colombia there are now a lot of runners, who will surely come little by little, runners who, if they come here, will do the same or better job than the one I am going to do here. These are very strong runners who have not hitherto had the opportunity to be here.

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