What kind of extraterrestrial life could there be in the water found on Mars?


By El Comercio / Peru / GDA
29/07/2018 | 5:47 pm

A huge
underground lake has been detected for the first time on Mars, which increases the
possibility that there is more water and maybe even life, according to astronomers

under a layer of Martian ice, the lake has about 20
kilometers [unas 12.43 millas] indicates the report published in the
Science magazine and directed by Italian researchers.

This is the body
the largest liquid water that was found on Mars.

If there is
life in the liquid water of Mars would be in the form of microorganisms, they pointed out
The researchers of Efe Víctor Parro and Alberto González Fairén, from the Center
Astrobiology Spanish (CAB), which is dedicated to research on the origin, evolution
and the presence of life in the Universe.

microorganisms would be "true champions of resistance",
who had to endure extreme temperatures and a huge concentration of salt,

In the
Earth, micro-organisms capable of metabolizing and growing have been identified
up to -20 degrees in a brine and it is not known if this limit can be exceeded.

What would then be the Martian organisms?

they would be "very specialized", Fairén emphasizes, adapted to live in
pressure, at very low temperature and with a lot of salinity.

there is no micro-organism on Earth that can live like that; they would be microorganisms
that there is not here or have not been discovered yet.

find, say the two, would open many questions, including how
He got there. When the planets were formed, they are bullets
incandescent and maybe Mars had livability conditions before the
Earth because it has cooled faster.

If that is
thus, with the radical cooling of the planet, microorganisms could be
to take refuge in the most favorable environments of the basement.

Another of the
unknowns to know what would it be if it's an independent life at the
terrestrial – there are theories that maintain that there are 3 800 million years ago there was a
mbadive bombing of meteorites on Mars and that some materials might jump to the
Earth – or if it's two different genesis.

If that is
finally, there could even be life on more planets, outside of our system

It's still science fiction, warn both astrobiologists, who point out that
there is currently no technology to reach the south pole of Mars and the
depths where these proofs were found but in other places
-tropical and equatorial- where evidence of large layers of ice appeared
two meters below the surface and where you could look for "small
pockets of water.

emphasized that the location of life "would help us to find our place in the
Universe "and Parro concludes that" this would reduce the arrogance of the
The humanity, at the same time as it would be exciting to feel that we are not the only ones
this exciting story. "

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