What points will be discussed at the Putin-Trump summit? | news


Next Monday will be the summit between the President of the United States, Donald Trump and that of Russia, Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, capital of Finland , which is a meeting that generates great expectations around the world.

Since they are two of the most important leaders on the planet and, most importantly, because of the controversy that Trump has generated, both for his actions and for his statements on various topics, is that this summit is so important in the geopolitical field.

Although Kremlin was not published a detailed agenda items to discuss, various means and badysts have developed a series of hypothetical points on topics to discuss when the meeting of the two presidents.

Controlling Strategic Weapons

US Ambbadador to Moscow Jon Huntsman said there is a great opportunity to talk about renewing for five years the new START treaty on the reduction of nuclear weapons , which expires in February 2021.

This treaty was signed in 2010 between the presidents of the two countries at the time, Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev, who sought to limit the nuclear arsenal of both powers d & rsquo; A joint way, which is possible to extend it by mutual agreement for up to five more.

Oil Production

On July 4 Trump said on Twitter: "The monopoly of OPEC should remember that gas prices have risen and are not doing much to help. they raise the prices because the United States defends a lot of their members for very little dollars. "

" It must be a two-way street, reduce prices now! ", said the US president in the social network, so it is likely that this is one of the points to be addressed at the meeting.

Defense and Dialogue

The Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Jens Stoltenberg, said the meeting "is totally in line with the policies of NATO "on Russia, based on the combination of defense and dialogue.

"We need to dialogue with Russia on different levels to improve our relations, but even without a better relationship, it is important to talk to Russia to manage the difficult relationship, avoid risks, mistakes, misunderstandings , incidents and accidents. "Stoltenberg said.

Allegation of Russian interference in US elections. in 2016

This theme, which motivated the United States. UU a federal inquiry, is one of the questions that Trump will ask when meeting with Putin.

"We will ask questions about Syria, I will ask questions about interference, your favorite question", Trump confirmed in front of a group of journalists at a press conference

said the United States? About the meeting?

Before starting his European tour, President Trump said the meeting with Putin will be "the easiest of all" that he will have during the tour, where he will also meet with historical allies from the United States. .

"I have NATO, I have the United Kingdom, which is in some turmoil, and Putin, frankly, Putin may be the easiest of all, who l & # 39; Would have believed? ", Commented the president.

What is Russia's position?

According to Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Moscow hopes that in Helsinki "at least, show some rudiments of political will to achieve normalization of relations".

He argued that the summit would not aim to "negotiate" something, but rather to "compare" and "clarify" each other's positions, in order to "confirm or dispel the fears" of each country on "various questions".

>> American demands in NATO, new protests

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